生物学 Pre-Professional Undergraduate Program


With a student-to-faculty ratio of 16:1 and unique hands-on learning experiences, the 生物学Pre-Health track at LMU is a comprehensive four-year degree program preparing you for advancement into a professional graduate program. 从第一天起, you will be paired with an advisor to help you structure your coursework to be competitive and prepare you for the rigors of graduate and professional schools. 除了, we encourage you to pursue the particular area of interest that inspires you and will help you take on research projects you're passionate about.

从一开始, you will interface directly with students and diverse faculty from our graduate and professional school programs. Many of our undergraduate biology pre-med courses crossover with the graduate schools, exposing you early to the types of advanced work you'll find in professional-level academic curriculums.

Our 生物学Pre-Health Program courses are held in the Hamilton Math and 科学 building, which is less than 10 years old and features over four biology labs designed specifically for our undergraduate biology programs. Your experience at LMU is guaranteed to be unique and specialized to your interests with the realms of health and biology.

准备好开始了? 马上申请!

Guaranteed Professional Admission for 生物学Pre-Health 专业

Because we know you're already planning to take your education to an advanced level with a pre-professional major, LMU has founded a unique program to promise you a future spot. You can get guaranteed admission to transition to a professional degree program after completing your undergraduate degree in biology pre-med. Only at LMU can motivated students ensure their placement into medical school or another advanced graduate program before they finish their undergraduate studies.

Discover LMU's GPA Programs

Graduate and Professional School Placements

Many of our biology graduates have gone on to become medical professionals, 老师, 和研究人员. Our students boast high placement rates into both graduate and professional schools. 另外, graduates of the pre-med biology program at LMU have a 100% employment rate in secondary education.



Example First Year Schedule

Want to know what it would be like as a student in the 生物学 Pre-Med program at LMU? Below is a real schedule that represents the types of courses you can expect as a pre-professional student.


课程 小时
英语101写作I * 3
UACT 100 Strategies for College Success * 2
普通生物学1 & 实验室 *#
(Prerequisite: Successful Completion (C- or better) BIOL 100, 英语101课程的安排, OR ACT/SAT reading/verbal score of 23)
数学120三角 *#
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or better) of MATH 115, OR Math ACT sub-score of 23 or higher)
BIOL 194医学预科研讨会 # 1
CHEM 111 General 化学 I & 实验室 #
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C– or better) of Math 105, 115, or 120, OR Math ACT sub-score of 23 higher, 秋天)
总学分 17


课程 小时
英语102作文II * 3
林肯的一生 & 遗产 * 1
BIOL 112 General 生物学 II & 实验室 *#
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (Cor better) of BIOL 111 with lab)
CHEM 112 General 化学 II & 实验室 #
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C- or better) of Chem 111 with lab, Spring)
数学270概率 & 统计数据 #
(Prerequisite for BIOL 380)
总学分 15

Worried about a course becoming full, or not full enough? 不要! Many of our courses with yet to be determined schedules will be planned around the availability of interested students. We will make sure you're getting an opportunity to pursue your special interests and knock out those required courses at the same time.

Pre-Med 生物学 Four Year Plan



Are you looking for more information about pre-professional health science majors at LMU or another program? Get in touch with us today!