


澳门威尼斯人赌城-理查德A. Gillespie 兽医学院 (LMU-CVM) offers 兽医教育硕士(mv), 兽医临床护理硕士(MVCC), 以及兽医生物科学硕士(MVBMS)学位. 另外, students enrolled in the DVM program may choose to complete a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Veterinary Science or a Master in Business Administration (MBA) degree while continuing their education.

最近,LMU-CVM增加了兽医教育证书. 了解更多澳门威尼斯人赌城这个新项目,以及下面我们现有的项目. 


The 兽医生物医学硕士 program (VBMS) is a 1-year bridge curriculum dedicated to providing advanced academic learning in the life sciences. This MS degree can enhance the competitiveness of students seeking admission into doctoral-level professional programs and promote continued engagement in biomedical research throughout their careers. 毕业生已经成功地进入兽医学院,博士.D. 以及其他健康专业项目.



The 兽医教育硕士(mv) program is a graduate program for veterinary professionals with a desire to teach in higher education. LMU-CVM is dedicated to preparing professional educators who embody the three ideals of Values, 教育, 和服务——澳门威尼斯人赌城的核心理念.



The Lincoln Memorial University 兽医临床护理硕士(MVCC) program is for licensed veterinary technicians who hold any baccalaureate degree. This MS program is the first in the United States designed specifically to help technicians build on the knowledge and skills learned in AVMA CVTEA-accredited programs, and graduates should expect to have master-level expertise in patient case management, 临床及专业技能, 以及循证医学. The curriculum features courses that are co-instructed by DVMs and Veterinary Technician Specialists (VTS) to provide advanced critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. Graduates will be prepared to work with diverse populations and provide exceptional veterinary care with sensitivity to the different cultural contexts and experiences of patient owners.



The 数字式电压表/工商管理硕士 program is a cooperative venture between the Lincoln Memorial University-兽医学院 and the School of Business at Lincoln Memorial University. This dual degree program gives highly motivated and academically qualified veterinary medical students the opportunity to pursue DVM and MBA degrees simultaneously. 这两个课程都可以在四个学年内完成, in less time than it would ordinarily take if the degrees were completed separately.

The program is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the business principles that are useful to veterinarians who participate in the business aspects of medical practice. The program blends medical and business training to provide a basis for the ability to capably manage and coordinate medical practices and other business endeavors in a highly competitive, 严格监管和不断变化的环境.



The primary goal of the UK-VESC/LMU-CVM cooperative program is to train top veterinary graduates to become leading PhD research scientists in the field of veterinary science and animal health. Emphasis is placed on investigating the causes and mechanisms that affect the production and performance of horses, 不论品种. The program will provide opportunities for LMU-CVM graduates to develop the skills necessary to become creative and critical-thinking scientists with the contemporary skills and knowledge to perform independent research and to effectively communicate their findings. The VESC/LMU Program will lead to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Veterinary Science with specialization in pathology, 病毒学, 微生物学, 寄生虫学, 免疫学, 遗传学, 生殖生理, 药理学,或者肌肉骨骼科学. 这些亚专业中的每一个都着重于马.

VESC/LMU哲学博士项目是研究密集型项目, 并使学生成为一名自学成才、富有创造力的学者. This degree implies that the individual has demonstrated the capacity to frame an interrelated series of questions and to design and execute an appropriate series of investigations. 研究 projects are expected to either answer all of the questions or illuminate the area of inquiry in such a way that the resulting dissertation and publications will constitute a definitive contribution to science.



The certificate of Veterinary 教育 (CVEd) program at the Lincoln Memorial University Richard A. Gillespie 兽医学院 (LMU-CVM) is aimed a current veterinary professionals (DVM/VMDs and credentialed veterinary technicians) who currently teach or plan to teach in a veterinary education setting, 例如DVM或兽医技术人员或技术计划. 这是一个100%的在线, 异步程序,将跨越两到四个学期, 取决于学生选择的入学(全日制或非全日制). The focus of the program goals is veterinary education; therefore, the assignments and settings for the instruction in these courses are aimed at educating veterinary students. Veterinary doctors and credentialed technicians will find application of the content of these courses applicable to their work with these students. 
