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Course Descriptions

  • 课程CRIM 505, 506, 510, 511, 512和650是必修课程. 必修课程在秋季,春季和夏季学期提供一致的时间表.
  • 课程CRIM 605-645、660-695为选修课. 选修课程是根据学生的要求轮流提供的.
  • 除非另有说明,所有课程均为3学时.
  •   犯罪与刑事司法理论

    This course is a comprehensive examination of prevalent theoretical perspectives in criminology and criminal justice with an emphasis on contemporary innovations in theoretical perspectives, policy implications, and scholarly research.

  •   刑事司法中的道德与问题

    本课程将深入探讨刑事司法中的关键问题. The class also requires students to explore the key ideologies and ethical foundations of the justice system.

  •   犯罪和公共政策分析

    本课程将深入探讨刑事司法中的关键问题. The course requires students to explore the key ideologies and ethical foundations of the justice system with an emphasis on critically evaluating the effectiveness of criminal justice policies and the impact of these policies on citizens in society.

  •   刑事司法研究方法

    This course is a comprehensive examination of the scientific research process including research ethics, research design, and various research techniques with a focus on quantitative research methods including survey research, regression analysis, 并使用定量研究软件. This course requires students to complete a research proposal that includes a comprehensive literature review and a research design that can be used for the student's thesis project.

  •   司法行政与领导

    本课程为学生在刑事司法机构(警察)中担任领导角色做好准备, courts, 更正)或类似的组织. 主题包括组织管理、人事问题和领导道德.

  •   CRIM 605国土安全和应急管理

    Since September 11, 2001 public safety professionals have seen a qualitative shift in the scope of their work that places a great emphasis on addressing threats posed by terrorism and natural disasters. This course examines the changing face of public safety in the United States with an emphasis on the legal, ethical, 以及与“国土安全”和“反恐战争”相关的政策相关问题."

  •   国际犯罪与政策

    This course explores international crime and international policy related to criminal activity that extends beyond the boundaries of the United States. 主题包括国际犯罪趋势, international law, 以及刑事司法政策的比较分析.

  •   CRIM 620 Victimology

    这门课是对受害行为的考察, 包括受害者在犯罪事件中的角色, 犯罪受害者在社会机构方面面临的挑战, 以及与帮助犯罪受害者相关的刑事司法政策. Focus is placed on policy alternatives related to aiding crime victims including restorative justice.

  •   CRIM 625 Juvenile Justice

    这门课是对青少年犯罪的考察, 少年司法制度, 青少年犯罪的理论包括生命历程的观点, developmental theories, 儿童干预项目.

  •   CRIM 630社区矫正和罪犯再入社会

    This course is a critical examination of community corrections policy and offender reentry programs. Special focus is given to examining factors related to offender recidivism and alternative public policy options that may improve successful offender reentry.

  •   CRIM 640种族,性别,阶级和犯罪

    这门课程提供了对犯罪的深入研究,重点是种族的作用, gender, 社会阶层和对刑事司法政策的批判性评价. 特别强调种族,性别和社会阶层的批判理论.

  •   CRIM 645农村刑事司法

    This course examines the challenges faced by criminal justice agencies in rural areas insluding personnel issues, resource management, 农村地区犯罪趋势, 以及其他与农村社区司法有关的特殊问题. 特别关注阿巴拉契亚地区.

  •   定性研究方法

    This course is a comprehensive examination of the scientific research process including research ethics and research design with a focus on qualitative research methods including content analysis, narrative criminology, archival research, 并使用定性研究软件. This course requires the student to complete a qualitative research project that demonstrates the ability to use qualitative methods.

  •   CRIM 665 Cybercrime

    本课程的目的是介绍网络犯罪和网络犯罪问题的广泛概述, 包括对计算机技术的基本了解, 计算机犯罪的历史, types of computer crime, 网络犯罪的法律方面, 防范网络犯罪, investigatory techniques, 以及未来可能关注的领域.

  •   CRIM 660精神疾病非刑事化

    Criminalization of person with serial mental illness is a subject of enormous complexity in terms of understanding how it came about, the problems that these mentally ill persons face in our jails and prisons and how to confront these problems, 如何扭转刑事定罪以及如何对待社区中的这些人, either after release or, if possible, 在他们被定罪之前. This course is a comprehensive summary of these issues so that students’ understanding is deepened and the knowledge of what needs to be done is clarified.

  •   CRIM 695专题研讨会

    This seminar is used to provide students and faculty the opportunity to devote in-depth study toward a particular topic of interest that is not available through other coursework. 主持研讨会的个别教员将决定课程内容.

  •   CRIM 696 Independent Study

    The independent study is an opportunity for the student to conduct in-depth study on a topic of particular interest for the student and/or to provide the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member on a research project. Students must have successfully completed provisional admission requirements and obtain instructor approval.

    *Students are limited to 6 credit hours of Independent Study credit towards elective requirements.

  •   CRIM 698 Internship

    An internship is a program that allows students to gain practical work experience with a department-approved nonprofit, governmental, 或者公共服务组织. Students participating in an internship fulfill their writing requirement by describing the structure, activities, 组织的重要性. Students also document their own activity as a member of the organization with an emphasis on the relationship between supervisor and intern. Finally, students provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in serving their communities.


    * This course is designed specifically for master level students who want the opportunity to expose themselves to a career that matches their academic and personal interests. This course allows students the option of engaging in field or practical experience prior to graduation that increases their marketing value for job placement.