

We celebrate ALL our first generation students!

Hear from some of our first-generation students and their families

LMU入选《2023我是第一! 大学指南


这本独特的大学指南旨在帮助那些将成为家庭中第一批上大学的学生实现他们的大学梦想. 《指南》介绍了164所致力于帮助“第一代”学生在大学里茁壮成长的高校,其中包括澳门威尼斯人赌城. LMU在318页有介绍!

该指南还包括来自第一代大学生和其他专家的鼓舞人心的故事和建议, an interactive college planning and preparation curriculum for students, 老师, 和辅导员, and valuable information for parents and mentors, including a Spanish-language section.

LMU's feature profile can be found on page 318.


As part of LMU's mission and heritage, 我们服务的很多学生都是家里第一个上大学的人! 如果这就是你,恭喜你开始了新的旅程,成为了开拓者! There is something special about being FIRST in something. 作为家里第一个上大学并从大学毕业的人也很特别!

在这新的旅程中, 你会发现你, 你的支持系统, have some questions that are unique to your situation. In the Office of 本科招生, 我们确保我们的团队可以帮助你和你的支持者过渡到你成为一名大学生. Below are some of the frequently asked questions that we receive, 以及一个快速的成功路线图,帮助你在LMU的教育之旅中导航. Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask 任何 你们可能有问题!



Q: How do I know if 我是一个 first-generation college student?

A: A first-generation student is defined as:

一个人, 18岁以前, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent and whose supporting parent did not receive a bachelor's degree; or
一个人, 18岁以前, 没有经常与亲生父母或养父母住在一起或得到养父母的支持.

Q: No one in my family has ever graduated from college. Will this hurt my chances of admission?

A:绝对不会! 你的大学录取是基于你的高中GPA和ACT或SAT成绩(见下文更多澳门威尼斯人赌城考试成绩的信息).

Q: What should I do if I can't take the ACT/SAT due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎?

A:别担心! 由于最近SAT和ACT考试管理取消以及持续的Covid-19情况,为了容纳未来的学生, LMU正在从考试选择的角度考虑录取学生 到2023年秋季入学.

Q: I don't think I can afford to go to LMU. 人们如何支付大学学费?

A:学费的标价和学生所付的学费是有区别的 实际上 支付. 这是因为几乎每个在LMU注册的学生都能获得一些机构资助, 除了所有的联邦 & 国家财政援助方案. 也, 我们有一个很棒的经济援助办公室,他们非常努力地帮助学生找到最好的经济援助方案!

Q: I don't know what I want to major in. Should I wait to come to college until I have decided on a career/major?

答:没有! 通常, students have until their junior year to declare a major. You can begin your 教育al journey with an undecided major. If career choices are what you need help with, 我们有一个优秀的就业服务办公室,可以帮助你处理你的一些选择.



对大学的行话很好奇? 继续读下去!
我们知道每个机构都有自己的术语,这有时会令人困惑. We've tried to gather some of these terms offer definitions below. We hope this helps everyone navigate the University system better! If you cannot find the term/phrase you're looking for, please reach out to the Office of 本科招生.
  •   人/职位:

    校董会: The decision-making body that oversees the University. 通常, 董事会参与制定政策和预算,并将机构的日常运作委托给校长, and to 学术 and administrative officers.

    财务主管: The University official/ the office where bills and fees are paid. LMU's Bursar is located on the first floor of DAR Hall. 

    通勤的学生: 不住在学校,而是往返于学校之间的学生.

    迪安当前位置院长是大学主要学术单位之一的负责人. 例如, the 迪安 of the School of Mathematics and Sciences, or the 迪安 of the School of Business. 

    学生主任: 负责监督学生生活和学生在LMU的非学术经历的管理员. Our 迪安 of Students office is located on the 2nd floor of DAR Hall.

    全职学生: A student who is taking a full 学术 load. For undergraduate students, this is 12 hours or more of credit. 

    注册处: 负责协调班级注册和维护学校教育记录的大学办公室. This is the Office that collects intent to graduate forms, 主要形式的变化, 更改时间表表格, performs degree audits and transfer credit evaluations, and is the office that handles requests for transcripts.

    住宿助理员(RA): 学生:住在宿舍楼指定楼层并能提供指导的上层阶级学生, 监督, 为住院医生编写程序.

    住宅学生: A student who lives on campus in campus housing.

    学生的行为: 学生行为和社区标准办公室促进和执行支持诚信的政策, 礼貌, 和一个安全的环境,目的是提供一个安全的铁路分流社区,以支持每个学生的教育.

    转学生: 参加并获得学分的学生(高中毕业后), 然后在LMU注册. 

  •   金融:

    出席费用: The estimated cost for attending LMU for a year. The cost of attendance includes tuition and fees, 书, 供应, 食宿, 运输, and an estimate of other personal costs.

    直接资助贷款: 由政府提供的贷款,用于支付学生在大学入学期间产生的利息.

    直接无补贴贷款: 政府发放的贷款,一旦资金分配使用就会产生利息.

    预期家庭贡献: 根据学生的FAFSA计算出的家庭应该为学生支付的就读费用的估计金额.

    Financial aid/financial aid package: 经济援助可能包括助学金、贷款、奖学金、勤工俭学,或其中任何一种的组合. LMU的学生金融服务办公室将把学生的经济援助“捆绑”成一个一揽子计划,以显示他们有资格获得多少援助,以及学生和家庭需要提供多少援助.

    财务需要: 大学决定你的学生需要的经济援助总额. 这一数额进一步细分为奖学金、助学金、贷款和学生工作.

    FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student 援助: 一份由美国政府分发的表格.S. 收集用于确定学生是否需要联邦财政援助的信息. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里.

    格兰特: Financial aid that does not have to be repaid.


    学生的费用: Funds that students 支付 in addition to tuition and enrollment costs. 在LMU, the student fees support student organizations, student activities (including athletics or sports clubs), 卫生服务, 停车, or to 支付 for extra course expenses such as laboratory equipment, 技术/印刷, or other costs associated with a class/program.

    勤工助学: 由美国政府资助的学生工作.S. 政府的联邦勤工俭学计划,允许学生在校园里工作,以帮助支付他们的大学费用. 勤工俭学包含在学生的经济援助奖中,通常规定了学生在学期或一年中可以在勤工俭学岗位上工作的小时数. 勤工俭学的职位必须通过学生金融服务办公室获得资格.

  •   学者:

    学习顾问: 学生所选专业的教员,为学生提供学术建议并指导他们完成毕业要求.

    学术目录:所有学术政策的官方大学指南, 程序, 课程, 学位要求, 和更多的. 学生有必要花时间阅读他们第一次进入LMU的学年的学术目录. 点击这里查看目录.

    兼职教师: Faculty members who are hired to teach one or more classes, and are not full-time faculty of the University; often these are part-time instructors or 学术ally qualified staff.

    清晰度协议: A formal set of policies that layout transfer 程序 between LMU and another institution; may also be called a transfer partnership agreement.

    结业证书: A college degree that requires less than four years of full-time college study; it usually takes two years to earn an associate degree.

    审计: 不记分的:为了上课而注册一门课程而没有获得学分或分数的.Denotes official audit of course; no credit awarded nor grade assigned. 

    学士学位: 也叫学士学位, 该学位授予相当于在大学四年的学术工作,并完成相应学术目录中概述的学位要求. 

    毕业典礼: Graduation ceremony when students complete their degree.

    学分或学时:大学课程通常以每周的教学时数来描述. Students qualify to graduate by earning a specified number of credits; colleges and universities define the required number of overall credits as well as the number of credits in a major or minor and in required areas of study.

    优秀学生名单: 成绩优异的学生名单,他们在一个学期内取得了特定的平均成绩. 

    Doctorate Degree: The highest level of 学术 achievement, usually at the culmination of attending a professional school/program. 目前, doctoral degrees can be achieved in many subject areas at LMU: business, 教育,  护理, 整骨疗法的医学, 法律, 职业和物理治疗, and veterinary medicine with more on the horizon!

    双专业: 学生可以选择同时完成两个专业的要求.

    选修课程: A course that a student may choose to take, but which is not among the courses required for the student’s major.

    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): A federal 法律 that protects the privacy of student 教育al records. 在大学阶段, 这项法律规定学生档案的责任转移到学生身上. 因此,学生必须允许家长查看他们的记录. 点击这里了解更多信息.

    通识教育: 为学生个人准备的基础课程或类型课程, 学术, 事业上的成功. 这些课程通常在大学的头两年内完成.

    平均成绩(GPA): 平均分:学生一学期或整个大学成绩的数字平均值. See the 学术 catalog for more information. 

    回家: An annual campus celebration bringing together alumni, 当前的学生, and the community for such a wide range of events. 通常在十月.

    不完整: 在学生成绩单上注册的分数,表明学生没有达到课程的所有要求. An incomplete is considered a temporary grade; if the class is not completed within a specified time, 分数会变成F. 

    独立的研究: A course designed under the direction of a faculty member, 通常提供比传统大学课程更具体的主题调查.

    实习: 一个工作机会,让学生在有监督的环境中练习专业技能. 实习有带薪的也有不带薪的,有大学学分的也有不带的.

    主要: An 学术 area that a student chooses as a primary field of study. 必须在本专业内修满一定的学分才能毕业.

    硕士学位: 在获得学士学位或本科学位后,需要额外学习相当于多年的学位. 在硕士课程中,学生专注于更高层次的特定研究领域.

    期中考试: An examination taken about halfway through the term.

    : An 学术 area that a student may choose to take several classes in. 它不像专业那样需要那么多的学分,但可以让学生把重点放在专业以外的领域.

    办公时间:教授在办公室回答问题并与学生讨论课程的时间, 问题, 或者他们想要讨论的想法.  每位教授必须每周至少安排一次办公时间. 办公时间给学生一个绝佳的机会去了解授课老师,并探索如何在课堂上取得成功.

    先决条件: 在学生被允许注册更高级的课程或有资格学习一个项目或专业之前必须完成的课程或要求.

    试用期: 表示学生学业成绩不令人满意的称号. 学生在规定的时间内提高成绩有一系列的条件. For specifics, read the 学术 catalog.

    注册: The process of selecting and enrolling in courses. This occurs electronically after students meet with their advisor.

    滚动录取: 在收到入学申请时对其进行审查和决定的过程,而不是强制执行申请截止日期,之后将不再做出进一步的决定.

    学期: The 学术 calendar is broken into terms of study. LMU实行学期制,两个学期构成一年的学习. Additionally, select courses are also offered during a summer term. 

    出国留学: 学生在另一个国家学习时获得大学学分的项目. 课程可能是几个星期,整个夏天,一整个学期,或一整年.

    教学大纲: An outline and description of a course, usually handed out on the first day of class (and posted on Blackboard). 教学大纲提供了教师的联系方式和办公时间. 它还描述了讲师对课程的期望,并给出了将涵盖的主题的概述, 必读和推荐读物, 分级的政策, and a schedule of tests and due dates for papers or projects.

    记录: A list of courses the student has taken, including the grade earned for each course, 以及获得的学分数量. 成绩单是学生的教育和毕业的正式记录, 它将反映该机构成功完成学位.

    退出: 未完成要求就退学或离开学校的正式程序.

    受欢迎的周末大学生活简介. 新生迎新课程很常见(包括新生和转学学生). The programs generally address 学术, 社会, and emotional aspects of starting college at LMU, and students typically form lasting relationships at 受欢迎的周末.