

The 解剖捐赠计划 at 澳门威尼斯人赌城牙科学院 deeply appreciates your interest of bequest.

The LMU-CDM 解剖捐赠计划 is a "Whole Body" gift program instituted for the study of human anatomy. 这个项目将为任何心智健全的人提供身体遗赠信息, eighteen years of age or older and desires to give his or her body to the LMU-CDM 解剖捐赠计划.

Our goal here at LMU-CDM is to provide the best education possible for our future dentists and hygienists. 您无私的馈赠将为我们牙科专业的学生奠定坚实的教育基础. 你们为我们的学生提供的教育将远远超出这个项目的范围. Your gift will also give future physicians the ability to help others and teach others as they go out and pursue their own careers. Dignity and respect are ALWAYS our highest priority next to the quality of education your gift provides.



1705 St. 圣玛丽. 诺克斯维尔,田纳西州37917

  •   验收

    不幸的是, 有一些健康状况会使尸体无法进行解剖研究. The anatomical donation program at LMU-CDM reserves the right to decline a donation based on the conditions of the remains at the time of death. 以下是一些有关赤纬的例子:



    因此, it is strongly recommended that alternative arrangements be in place in the event that your donation is denied by the program.

    如果预先登记的捐赠人选择这样做,可以随时取消对该计划的捐赠. It is recommended that a written request be sent to the address on this website to remove yourself from the program.

  •   给幸存者的信息


    在家: 联系主治医生, 如果没有达到, 联系死亡县的验尸官办公室或警察局. 一旦死者被释放, 近亲或遗嘱执行人应联系牙科学校安排运输.

    在医院或护理机构: 该设施的工作人员将与有关当局联系. 一旦死者出院,请联系医学院安排接送.

    外部维修限制: 死亡发生在医学院服务范围之外的, we will do all we can to assist the family in finding another institution in need of donors near to where the death occurred.

    交通: 在死者家属联系医学院之后, arrangements will be made for transport of the deceased from the place of death to the funeral home servicing the medical school.

    学习时间: 研究和学习可以在牙科学校进行长达两年.

    完成研究: 一旦研究完成, remains are cremated and ashes are either sent back to the family or can be interred by the University according to the policies of the LMU/CDM解剖捐赠计划.

    以下信息是帮助捐赠者的扩展指南 亲人在他们去世时实现他们的愿望

    如果捐赠人死了, the 解剖捐赠计划 at LMU-CDM should be notified immediately by phone at 865-338-5755 during normal business hours (M-F, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.). 非工作时间或周末,请致电865-338-5755,以便将遗体运送到机构. 在指定服务区域以外的交通将不由大学承担. 在LMU-CDM规定的范围内,运输费用将由LMU-CDM承担.

    在不幸的事件中, 被项目拒绝的捐赠应该已经有了替代安排.

    不幸的是, in order to meet the criteria for Anatomical donation the deceased cannot be held for memorial services. 家属可以随心所欲地在没有遗体在场的情况下举行追悼会. 此外,每年教职员工和学生都会举行一个仪式来表彰捐赠者. 欢迎家人和朋友参加. 捐献人家属将在追悼会举行前得到通知.


    所有遗骸将被火化. 没有例外. 火葬费用将由大学支付.

    知道这种尊重,你会感到安慰, 尊严, 确保你爱人的安全是我们的首要任务. 捐助者总是以最高程度的专业精神处理.

  •   解剖捐赠计划常见问题解答



    你必须年满18岁且精神健全. 没有年龄上限.




    All expenses are paid by the University from transportation (within our service limits) at the time of death to final disposition. 然而, the University will not be financially responsible for any arrangements made outside the program's guidelines (e.g.、追悼会).


    A copy of your donor form should be given to the next-of-kin or executor to ensure that your wishes are carried out, 以及告知亲密的家庭成员你的意愿以及死亡后的联系方式.

    Are there any factors that would disqualify me from donating my remains to the University Dental School even though I am on the donor list?


    -身体的任何可能被认为不适合医学研究的状况. 例如,在死前失去四肢或做了大手术


    不行,器官捐献后的遗体不能用于解剖研究. 不过,我们还是鼓励你先考虑器官捐献. 眼部捐赠并不会使某人失去参加该计划的资格.

    假设我的愿望是把我的身体捐献给LMU的解剖捐赠项目, 但在我死后,我的家人反对我预先登记的捐赠愿望. 你还会接受捐款吗?

    No, we will not challenge your family's wishes; therefore, 我们的项目将不接受捐赠.


    No, 我们不做尸体解剖, 我们也不能在研究过程中或之后透露有关研究结果的信息. The mission of this program is to give our students of medicine a hands on learning experience in the study of human anatomy.




    是的, contact the 解剖捐赠计划 by mail or phone if you wish to be withdrawn from the donor list at any time. 没有人会问问题.


    是的,研究完成后,遗体将被火化. At that time the next-of-kin or executor (or designated representative of the donor) will be contacted regarding their desire for final disposition. If there is no desire by the family to have the cremated remains returned to them or attempts to contact families or representatives of the donor is not successful at the end of the 90-day period following cremation; the cremated remains will be adequately interred according to the policies of the LMU/CDM 解剖捐赠计划.


    是的, a donor has the choice of either being memorialized by name for their contribution to the medical school or one may choose to remain anonymous.


    是的, in fact a memorial service is conducted every year on campus by the first year medical students to honor donors. 随时欢迎捐赠者家属参加. 追悼会的时间和日期将提前通知家属.


    是的,遗产的近亲或遗嘱执行人可以在该计划中签署一名家庭成员. 然而,所有幸存的家庭成员必须同意捐赠. 如有家属反对,医学院将不接受捐赠.

    May my family conduct a funeral service with my body present before my body is delivered to the medical school?

    不幸的是没有, it is vital that we take possession of the body as soon after death as possible in order to ensure that proper preparation is obtained for educational study.


    家属负责讣告的位置和费用. 报纸可能会向我们的机构证实死亡.


    Certified copies of the death certificate can be requested from the local health department (county in which death occurred) or from the Tennessee Department of Vital Records, 纳什维尔, TN, (615) 741-1763.


    Donors should discuss their intent to donate to our medical school with those designated to make final disposition, 包括的近亲地位, 私人医生, 医院或疗养院. 在你死后, 医生, 护理主管, 医院或亲属应在正常营业时间(M-F)致电865-338-5755与LMU-CDM联系, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.). 下班后或周末请致电865-338-5755



    如果学校不承认的话, 可选择的最终安排应由捐赠人及/或家属讨论.