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The Program has identified minimum technical standards all students must meet and maintain for enrollment and progression in the Program to ensure successful completion of the Program and the delivery of safe and effective patient care during the clinic phase and following graduation. 这些技术标准, listed below, are necessary for the achievement of the Program's Outcomes competencies stipulated by accreditation agencies and the standards of dental and dental hygiene practice.

  •   一般健康
    学生必须能够参与所有的学习活动和评估(课堂), laboratory, 和临床环境). These learning activities and assessments may require more than eight hours of active participation (sitting, standing, 执行程序, etc.) and exposure to various body fluids, communicable diseases, radiation, and toxic substances. Students must maintain a general state of physical and mental health necessary to operate under the Program's typical demands and performance requirements and the dental and dental hygiene professions. 这包括标准的预防保健措施,如每年免疫接种. Students must be medically cleared (absence of any medical and behavioral/mental condition and communicable disease that would present harm to clients and/or prevent full participation in the Program's curriculum) prior to matriculation and prior to beginning the Clinical Phase of the
  •   批判性思维和认知能力

    Students must possess the intellectual capabilities required to complete the full curriculum and achieve the competencies delineated by the Program and the dental and dental hygiene profession. 批判性思维需要智力来衡量, calculate, synthesize, 并分析大量复杂的信息. The ability to comprehend three-dimensional and spatial relationships of structures is also required.

  •   计算机技术技能

    Students must be able to utilize computerized information technology to access learning management systems, 参与同步和异步学习, 有工作麦克风, 工作的摄像头, 记录能力, 参与计算机化测试, 进行研究, 准备多媒体演示文稿, 访问在线医疗信息, 检查并输入电子病历数据. Therefore, possession of a personal laptop and access to the internet for web-enhanced and web-based courses are required.

  •   沟通技巧

    学生必须会说话, hear, 观察客户,收集相关数据, 描述的观察, 感知非语言交流. 学生必须能够沟通, 口头及书面, with peers, 教员/员工, clients, families, and members of the health care team from different social and cultural backgrounds with sensitivity, clarity, and accuracy.

  •   视觉能力

    学生必须具备在口试中评估客户所需的视力, 监控客户端稳定性, and perform a wide range of interventions involved in the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.

  •   听觉和触觉能力

    Students must have the motor and sensory functions needed to elicit information from clients by oral examination and perform a wide range of interventions involved in the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.

  •   运动和精细技能

    The provision of patient care often requires upright posture with sufficient total body strength, mobility, 心血管耐力. 学生必须能够忍受繁重的体力劳动,并且能够坐着, stand, 并在很长一段时间内进行其他活动. Students must be able to execute the physical movements required to maneuver in small places, 校准和使用设备, 定位和移动客户端, 并在牙科和口腔卫生实践中进行干预.

  •   人际交往能力

    学生必须具备广泛的人际交往能力, including (1) management of high-stress situations while maintaining full intellectual abilities, (2)运用良好的判断力, (3)时间管理(准时到达, 优先考虑活动, 高效完成任务), (4)发育成熟, sensitive, 以及与同学之间有效的关系, faculty, staff, 医疗组的所有成员, 还有客户和他们的家人, (5)对自己和他人情绪状态的认知, (6)积极管理个人情绪,缓解压力, 有效沟通, 同情他人, 克服挑战, 化解冲突, (7)以建立信心和信任的方式与客户和家庭接触, and (8) acceptance of constructive criticism and initiation of appropriate behavior modification.


所有参加本课程的学生必须能够独立学习, 或者提供合理的住宿, 展示这些健康标准, 认知和运动技能, 以及项目入学的专业行为, progression, 和毕业. Students with disabilities are responsible for contacting the Office of Accessible Education Services. 获取联系信息并了解更多澳门威尼斯人赌城无障碍教育服务办公室的信息, 浏览网页(要求住宿. 程序尝试, 尽其所能, to develop mechanisms by which otherwise qualified applicants for admission and enrolled students can be accommodated; however, the Program's 入学最低技术标准 and Progression must be maintained in order to ensure that all parts of the Program's curriculum are delivered to all students and that students provide safe and effective client care. Clinical practice expects students to have met the Program's 入学最低技术标准 and Progression and to perform assigned duties in a timely manner as such ability is critical and essential to safe and effective client care. Therefore, extra time is not granted to students during assessments of the oral examination and clinical procedure skills, 模拟客户接触, 及完成在护理期间照顾客户的职责. Similarly, the use of trained intermediaries is not approved in the assessments listed above and in Clinic Phase.

Students must submit a signed attestation form stating that they are able to meet the minimal technical standards to participate fully in the Program's curriculum prior to matriculation. 学生必须将签名的证明上传到Exxat审批模块. 学生不需要将证明表格交回项目. Students must notify the Dean of the College of Dental Medicine as soon as possible if there is any change in their ability to meet these technical standards.