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Anatomical Sciences Graduate Program

解剖科学专业是追求解剖研究事业的研究生的理想选择, teaching or medical school. 所有课程都是未来进入专业学校的结构化准备路线, masters programs, or a doctoral-level graduate program.

学生将参加基础研究生课程,这将有助于他们理解和使用解剖科学的主要文献. In addition to masters-level Anatomical Science courses, 学生还将与德布斯克骨科医学院(DCOM)的一年级医学院学生一起学习组织学和神经解剖学等领域.

36个研究生学分是最低要求. 请注意,如果学生在本科准备中有课程缺陷, it may alter the curriculum of their graduate curriculum. 这可能需要额外的时间来成功完成这个硕士课程.

有关解剖科学专业的更多信息,请 contact the Office of Admissions.

Admission to the Graduate Anatomical Science Program

澳门威尼斯人赌城理学硕士课程(LMU-MS)旨在吸引和培养未来的从业者,以满足南部阿巴拉契亚地区的需求. We seek to achieve these goals by recruiting bright, 努力工作的申请人,其目标是在这些地区推进医学科学和艺术. 我们坚信,我们的毕业生将成为终身学习者,他们将成为各自领域和社区的领导者.

At LMU-MS, students will receive a rigorous, demanding, and rewarding masters-level education in a new, 最先进的设施由教师谁是全国领先的专业与几十年的经验. 理学硕士课程的每个申请人都由他们选择的课程的招生委员会进行全面评估. 委员会成员仔细考虑每一个必要的申请材料,包括电话面试, science course GPA, cumulative GPA, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores.

Application Deadline

The application for Spring 2023 is open until December 10, 2022.

The application for Fall 2023 will be open until July 22, 2023.


Get Started on your Admission

  •   Class Prerequisites


    • English: Minimum of 6 credit hours
    • Biology: Minimum of 8 credit hours
    • 无机化学:至少8学时(包括讲座和实验)
    • 有机化学:至少8学时(包括讲座和实验)
    • Biochemistry: Minimum of 3 credit hours
    • 物理:至少8学时(包括讲座和实验)
    • 数学:至少3个学分(大学代数或更高)
    • 概率与统计:最少3学时(只适用于VBMS申请者)
  •   Grade Point Averages


    Science GPA 3.0 or better, Cumulative GPA 3.0 or better, 或者是学习成绩提高的证据, especially in science course work.

    If English is not the applicant's native language, 国际学生必须提交其作为外语的英语考试的正式成绩报告(TOEFL). 这个分数也将与应用程序包的其他元素一起被整体考虑. 申请人还必须在电话面试中表现出熟练的英语口语.

  •   Supplemental Application Requirements
    • Official transcripts 所有试图获得学分的学院或大学的成绩单必须由PostbacCAS发送和验证
    • 2 Letters of recommendation must include one letter from a science professor. The second letter is the applicant's choice. Interfolio letters are also accepted. 医学预科委员会的信件可以代替两封推荐信.
    • Standardized test score (exempt for VBMS applicants)
      • MCAT考虑的最老时间是2018年5月——492分及以上
      • 考虑的最老GRE是2017年5月,分数为292分及以上,写作分数为3分.5 and above
    • Personal Statement 必须专业地表达硕士课程将如何有利于你的教育和职业目标.
      • All applicants will be reviewed on a holistic basis. 这包括评估你的非学术因素,如领导经验, research, and shadowing. The LMU-MS program does not have any minimum cutoffs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  •   研究生解剖科学课程的时间表是什么?

    The LMU-MS Program follows the Undergraduate Academic Calendar and the Professional School Academic Calendar for both LMU-DCOM and LMU-CVM.

  •   Is there a dress code for classes?

    For Class: Business Casual is preferred, but not mandatory. 请记住,你是和LMU-DCOM的老师和学生一起上课.

    For Lab:

    • Scrubs are mandatory, no specific color or pattern
    • Close-toed shoes (Use your own judgment on what type)
    • Nitrile Gloves

    For Veterinary Anatomy Lab:

    • Scrubs or professional dress are mandatory
    • Close-toed shoes (Use your own judgment on what type)
    • Gloves
    • White Coat
  •   Does LMU have mental health counseling services?

    LMU的咨询服务可以帮助学生解决个人问题, 影响学业成功和生活质量的职业和学术问题. All services are confidential. During orientation, 所有咨询服务都由LMU- ms招生和学生服务办公室以及LMU咨询服务部门向学生充分解释.

    Our counseling office can provide more information and help schedule an appointment.

  •   Can I live on campus at LMU?

    希望住在大学宿舍的LMU-MS项目学生可以选择申请The University Inn Apartments. The University Inn Apartments是一座拥有126个单元的公寓楼,位于历史悠久的Cumberland Gao, approximately 1.5 miles from the LMU campus. 它有96套一室公寓和30套两室公寓.

    Housing Information and Application

  •   Can I work while I'm a graduate student?

    LMU的硕士课程旨在提高学生的学术资格. 所有课程都是专业学校和其他研究生目标的预备课程. 强烈建议学生在课程期间不要就业. 这确保了学生能够100%地专注于他们的学习.

  •   Are there any related volunteer opportunities?
  •   Is there a health insurance requirement?

    All students are required 在入学前和毕业前都有健康保险. 学生负责与提供的服务相关的费用. 寻求医疗照顾的学生可以根据自己的需要和健康保险范围选择任何医疗机构.

Contact Us

LMU-MS Program Office of Admissions
Phone: 1.800.325.0900 ext. 6586
Fax: 423.869.7091