

Welcome to the Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law


马修·R. 里昂,副总裁兼院长

马特·里昂院长里昂 became the fourth Dean of the Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law ("LMU法律") in July 2020. Prior to that, 里昂 served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at LMU法律 for five years. 在这个角色中, 里昂 oversaw LMU法律's program of legal education and coordinated its successful efforts to obtain full approval from the American Bar Association.

里昂得了B.A. 威廉与玛丽学院毕业.P.A. from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, and his J.D. 以优等成绩毕业者 from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. 在进入法学院之前,里昂曾在美国律师事务所工作.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., where he worked with states and private research organizations to evaluate the effects of the 1996 welfare reform law. After law school, 里昂 worked as a commercial litigation associate at Sidley Austin LLP in 芝加哥. 他的业务重点是证券诉讼, 并购诉讼, 能源监管工作. In 2008, 里昂 moved to East Tennessee to take a position as the senior law clerk for Justice Gary R. 田纳西州最高法院的韦德. He began teaching at LMU法律 when the school first opened in fall 2009, serving as an adjunct professor for two years before joining the full-time faculty in 2011.

里昂的教学领域包括民事诉讼, 合同与销售, 商业组织, 支付系统. 他还教过法学院的实习课程. His scholarship has been published in numerous law reviews, but he also believes strongly in writing and presenting on issues of interest to the state and local bar. 里昂 was Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association's Business Law Section from 2017-19 and a member of the TBA's Leadership Law Class of 2017. He is also a member of the Publications Committee of the Knoxville Bar Association and coordinates the feature article in KBA's monthly publication, 格言. The KBA recognized 里昂's contributions by awarding him its prestigious 格言 Award in 2017. 里昂 is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation and the Knoxville Bar Foundation.

里昂, 他的妻子, 安吉, and their two children and two dogs live in Knoxville's Sequoyah Hills neighborhood. 里昂和他的家人在他们的教堂里非常活跃, 诺克斯维尔第一浸信会教堂, 他在那里做执事和主日学老师.