

感谢您对我们的兼职/混合JD项目感兴趣! We have spent years researching and developing a new and innovative curriculum designed to benefit students who cannot attend 法学院 in the traditional sense, 我们相信我们提供了一个优秀的, 一流的学习项目.

大约三分之二的课程是在线的. 定位后, 你每学期在校的长周末不超过两个, 你的第四年是完全在线的. 我们的在线课程被设计成以异步方式完成, meaning that you work at your own pace without the necessity of a rigid schedule requiring class participation at set times. 我们为这种创新的方法感到自豪,这是同类方法中的第一个.

请进一步调查我们的项目,如果我们能提供帮助,请告诉我们. One cautionary note is that, at least in the first year, our program is limited to 25 students. 如果你感兴趣的话, we encourage you to review the information regarding our program and apply soon.



Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law (LMU法律) is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and 招生 to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 北克拉克街321号, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州60654, 312-988-6738. LMU法律 has received an acquiescence in substantive change from the Council to offer the Part-time Hybrid JD Program. 

Applicants are advised that some 法学院s may not accept transfer credits from this program. 此外, each jurisdiction sets its own criteria for admission to the bar and to sit for its bar examination. 作为美国律师协会认可的法学院和项目的毕业生, graduates of the Part-time Hybrid JD program will satisfy most jurisdictions’ current legal education requirements and thus be eligible for admission to the bar in most states. 然而,LMU法律建议所有申请人申请兼职/混合J.D. Program to check with the jurisdictions in which they may seek admission to the bar to ensure that graduation from the Part-time/Hybrid program will make them eligible for taking the bar exam and being admitted to the bar in those jurisdictions. Contact information for all relevant bar admissions agencies is available through the 全国律师考试师会议



The school has an exceptional group of faculty and staff who will guide you through your 法学院 experience. The faculty consists of a diverse group of highly qualified educators lead by Dean Matthew Lyon assisted by Vonda Laughlin, 负责混合/兼职项目的副院长. 澳门威尼斯人赌城教授的信息可以在这里找到:[链接到教师页面]. 我们的教师, 包括律师,现任和前任法官, 努力工作,为你提供成功所需的个性化体验. They are experienced practitioners and accomplished scholars with expertise in areas such as family law, 刑法, 公司法, 还有遗产规划. +, many of our professors are former judicial clerks in federal and state courts which enabled them to gain an understanding of the inner workings of the court system.

在审查学校的教员时, you may want to pay particular attention to the professors teaching in the first semester of study who are listed below. 值得注意的是, 院长里昂, who has a great interest in the program and who has been directly involved in its implementation, 会在项目的第一学期任教吗.









学业成功与评估主任 & 法学副教授


Dr. 4月Meldrum,




