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Transferring to LMU Law

完成相当于法学院第一学期课程的申请人可以申请转到LMU法律专业. 你希望转学的法学院必须经过美国律师协会或国家批准的组织的认证, which is possible in Alabama, California, Massachusetts, and Tennessee.

The deadline to apply as a transfer student is July 15th annually.

How to Apply for Transfer Admission

To be considered for admission and scholarship, transfer applicants must submit the following eleven (11) items:

  • An application for transfer admission (available through the LSAC's website)
  • Responses to two statements required for applicants to the full-time and part-time/hybrid programs
  • Two letters of recommendation*
  • A Credential Assembly Service (CAS)/Law School Report from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC)
  • At least one LSAT Writing Exercise
  • Official transcripts from every educational institution attended, 其中至少有一个必须表明美国教育部认可的地区认可学校的学士学位
  • An official transcript from the law school from which you are seeking to transfer**
  • 申请人寻求转学分的法学院管理人员出具的良好信誉证明
  • A statement of why a transfer is requested
  • 学生希望获得学分的具体课程列表,包括每门课程的学时数
  • A syllabus for each course in which the student seeks to obtain credit***

* Remember, you must assign each letter of recommendation to the law school from your LSAC account. They will not be sent automatically.
*** At discretion of the associate dean for academic affairs and/or the Academic Standards Committee, 如果没有特定的教学大纲,课程的官方课程描述可以满足这一要求.

Transfer applicants should attach the requested items to their applications. In the event a document or set of documents cannot be attached, then the document(s) can be sent to Your file will not be considered until ALL ITEMS have been received.

Transfer Applicant Checklist


Evaluation of Transfer Applications

The evaluation of transfer applications is a two-step process.

First, applications for transfer admission will be considered by The Admission and Scholarship Committee and Dean. All applications for admission will be governed by the policies listed in the Admission Policies & Procedures Manual.

Then, if admission is approved, the transfer applicant's completed file will be sent to The Academic Standards Committee for course/credit evaluation and approval.

The Academic Standards Committee will, in its sole discretion, determine whether transfer credit is appropriate for each credit sought on an individual basis. In exercising its discretion, the Academic Standards Committee will review:

  • The type of classes taken at the law school(s) from which the applicant seeks to transfer credit
  • 申请人所选法学院的课程类型与LMU法学院的同类课程之间的相似性
  • 无论课程是否在申请人寻求转学分的法学院开设,都是在ABA认可的法学院开设的课程
  • Whether the grades, including course grades awarded on a pass/fail basis, 学生在申请转学分的法学院所修课程中收到的成绩.

Unless a waiver has been obtained from the Dean pursuant to §XVI. of the Student Handbook, a student from an ABA-approved law may not transfer more than forty-five (45) credit hours. A student from a non-ABA, but state-approved law school may not transfer more than thirty (30) credit hours. 从其他法学院转学的学生必须满足法学院的所有其他学位要求, with a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or better.

在任何情况下,学术标准委员会都不会对学生成绩低于“C”的课程给予学分."; Credit may be extended for courses in which a student was awarded a "P" or other similar indication for a "pass/fail" graded course.

Requests for waiver of any School of Law rule, regulation, 或政策应以书面形式提交院长,院长应将请求转发给对此事有管辖权的教务委员会. The Dean may also forward a recommendation to the faculty. If none of the standing faculty committees has jurisdiction over the issue(s) raised, then the Dean, in her/his discretion, may grant or deny the waiver. The student will be notified of the decision in writing. 在任何情况下,院长不得对第XII条中规定的最高学时分配给予豁免.A. of the Student Handbook.

For additional information, please contact the Office at Admissions by email at or by telephone at 865-545-5303.